
The Judy Habbitts School of Dance was established in 1977. Judy did all the teaching and pupils ranged from two and a half to senior citizens.
Boys as well as girls dance in the school and the school’s emphasis is on happiness, humour and pure love of dance. Children gain confidence in this fun environment. Parents tend to watch the classes and so become well known to Judy. New pupils are encouraged to try several classes before committing themselves financially. In this period they can borrow all the dance-wear they need.
Many of the pupils are now second generation and some of the adults have been dancing with Judy for over 30 years. Judy views the school as an extension to her family which is clear in her teaching.
Fees start at £30.00 for an eleven week term and move to a maximum of £80.00 for pupils dancing as many classes as they wish.
The Bob Carter Centre in Drayton is an ideal location as it has a large car park, and a children’s play area opposite. There are good changing rooms, sports facilities, a restaurant and bar all of which makes it very convenient for parents who have children with siblings
Dancing is Fun
Many of the pupils are now second generation and some of the adults have been dancing with Judy for over 30 years. Judy views the school as an extension to her family which is clear in her teaching.
Over the years Judy has also taught many special needs pupils in her mainstream classes and for 12 years she taught at one of the main special needs schools locally.