With the Judy Habbitts School of Dance
Ballet, Tap and Modern Dance
Pupil’s introduction to dance and dancing, begins when they are approaching 3 years of age. The half hour classes are a mixture of tap and ballet, and have a strong accent on the enjoyment of music and imagination combined with fun and assisted by a very experienced pianist.
At five they are old enough to take a Primary ballet exam – all examinations are Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (I.S.T.D.).
At this level they are called class exams and entail Judy being in the room so that the exam is run just as if the children were in a normal class, in groups od four or five.
This is a happy experience introducing the exam system in a relaxed, fun filled atmosphere. These class exams can continue right through their ballet training if they wish, ‘A’ level students can, and do, continue entering exams with Judy because they are relaxed and without undue pressure.
Tap exams come a bit later, still in a ‘class’ exam to begin with. The same is true of Modern dance.
A happy alternative to Modern dance for younger children are the Zumba classes which are in the hands of Sarah-Jane Yallop.