Dancing is FUN

The school has lessons for Two year old children through to adults in Ballet, Tap and Jazz. There is no age limit. Two years and upwards will all enjoy it. Boys as well as girls dance in the school

The school's emphasis is on happiness, humour and pure love of dance.

ISTD Exams when ready

Children are encouraged to achieve a lot in their lessons. in 55 years of teaching and entering exams year by year with the I.S.T.D. (who set a very high standard), Judy has only had about 20 cases where the standard was not reached. In general the pass rate is at a very high level.

The frequency of Exams is determined by the number of pupils ready at a given time.

Its a Family

Many of the pupils are now second generation and some of the adults have been dancing with Judy for over 30 years. Judy views the school as an extension to her family which is clear in her teaching.

Parents tend to watch the classes and so become well known to Judy.

Classes are in the Bob Carter Centre, Drayton, Norwich, NR8 6DW

In the Judy Habbitts School of Dance, Parents are encouraged to feel at home and come and watch before enrolling.

Term Times

Term Times are as Follows: Fees are regulated by the length of time a pupil dances. Each term runs for eleven weeks, which is a little shorter than the normal academic term, as pupils tire towards the end of the main school term and can find extra activities after school a little too much.The scale of fees is as follows:

Spring term Starts: 13th April

Half Term Dates: 25th - 30th May

Spring Term Ends: 10th July

This is a 12 week them. Normal Term duration is 11 weeks. However, Jan to March was 10 weeks.

Race For Life

Judy runs in this event each year in order to raise money for a very worthwhile cause.

Sarah-Jayne always does the Warm up for the Race for around 15,000 people taking part each year. If you would like to donate please do so at class or send your donation to Judy Habbitts at Arley House, 49 Bracondale, Norwich, NR1 2AT.